World Survivors' March - Space International and Allies
Survivors' March
Acerca del panel
Hora y fecha
June 1st
1:45 PM
A kick off to CAP’s world Summit.
Join survivors from around the world,
As we march together with allies and activists,
Leading the way in ending systems of prostitution!
We, survivors of prostitution from Canada and everywhere in the world, call for a March on Saturday, June 1st at 1:45 pm from Place Emilie Gamelin.
It will be followed by a solidarity gathering at the Marché Bonsecours at 4:30 pm (free entrance).
We reaffirm that prostitution is a form of violence rooted in a long patriarchal tradition of men’s sexual entitlement to women, of their desire to control and access their bodies.
Throughout the world, this system at the intersection of patriarchy, racism, colonialism, class, capitalism, war, disproportionately impacts the most marginalized among us: poor, Indigenous, migrant women and girls, those from minorities or oppressed castes.
As Canada celebrates 10 years of anniversary of the Equality Model legislation, providing protection and exit pathways to victims of prostitution while fighting the impunity of perpetrators, we call on the Canadian Government to fully decriminalize prostituted persons, to enforce the law and allocate resources to it in order for it to reach its full potential in the protection and human rights of all persons in prostitution.
On this occasion, we further reiterate our call to all States to adopt the Equality Model and to:
Recognize prostitution as a form of violence against women and girls and an obstacle to equality between women and men ;
decriminalize persons in prostitution;
and viable options in all jurisdictions;
Recognize that the demand for prostitution should be targeted ;
Hold exploiters, procurers and brothel owners accountable.
On Saturday 1st of June, we, survivors of prostitution and allies worldwide, will march for an equal society where the sexist, racist and class-based system of prostitution doesn’t have a place. Join us!
SPACE International
SPACE International is an international organization of survivors from around the world calling for the recognition of prostitution as a violation of human dignity and a fundamental obstacle to gender equalityThe march will end with a Survivor speak out on the need to rid the world of sexual exploitation.
This event is sponsored by SPACE Intl. in collaboration with CAP