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Marche mondiale des Survivantes, séances plénières, ateliers de travail, événements parallèles : trouvez ici tous les détails du 4e congrès mondial CAP International.
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World Survivors' March - Space International and Allies
Fight neoliberal patriarchy: Abolition of prostitution and decent work for all women workers
The role of activists and parliamentarians in the Abolitionist struggle
Young Trumpeter
Indigenous women and girls in North-America: the prostitution system as a continuation of historical oppressions
Pornography and prostitution as systems of violence against women and girls
Two front war against women’s rights (Workshop in English)
Comprendre et appliquer la LPCPVE partout au Canada (Workshop in French)
Comprendre les défis et les priorités du féminisme abolitionniste dans le Sud global (Workshop in French)
The United Nations System: Friend or Foe of Women and Girls in Prostitution (Workshop in English)
The role of sports events in the commodification of women
Comprendre les enjeux de l'intervention auprès des adolescentes victimes d'exploitation sexuelle (Workshop in French)
The Last Girl First! Prostitution at the intersection of sexist, racist and class-based oppressions
Opening & keynote
The role of Champion States and International Institutions in the promotion of Women’s Rights
After the Odyssey: Screening and discussion
Abolitionist strategies for today: Debunking myths about prostitution (Workshop in English)
Comprendre et prévenir le stress vicariant en contexte d'intervention (Workshop in French)
Attacking the demand for the purchase of sexual acts : achievements and challenges
Self-organization workshop - Open to all survivors (Workshop in English)
Providing exit pathways : good practices, achievements and challenges
Contrer la prostitution et la traite des êtres humains qui en découle de façon socialement et politiquement cohérente (Workshop in French)
The importance of collaboration between non-government organizations (NGO’s) and law enforcement as a best practice for the Equality Model -(Bilingual workshop)
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