Martine B. Côté

Writer & researcher
After ten years as a journalist and host at Radio-Canada, Martine B. Côté joined CLES to work alongside women with experience related to prostitution. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Writing-Communication from the University of Sherbrooke and a Master's degree in Law from the University of Quebec in Montreal. Her research interests focus on legislative frameworks surrounding prostitution and the justiciability of social rights for individuals with experience in prostitution. She presented her work on access to social assistance during the Special Commission on the Sexual Exploitation of Minors (2020) and on the compensation of victims of criminal acts in a parliamentary committee.
As a researcher, she has contributed to a partnership research project aimed at documenting and understanding the role and importance of social networks and communication technologies in the experiences of young women involved in prostitution activities. Their report, "Social Media and Recruitment for Sexual Exploitation of Minors: Uses, Impacts, and Intervention Strategies," was well received by practitioners. As an author, she co-authored the essay "Faire Corps: Guerre et paix autour de la prostitution en tant que fatalité," published by Atelier 10.